Thursday, December 26, 2019
Official and Nonofficial Nicknames of U.S. States
The United States has 50 named states. What isnt as well known is the fact that every one of those states has a nickname (official or not)ââ¬âor maybe even more than one. Some state nicknames come out of the pages of history (Constitution State, Land of Lincoln), and some come from what grows there (Peach State, Spud State) or an identifying natural feature (Grand Canyon State). Some just make you want to go there (Sunshine State, Colorful Colorado, Land of Opportunity). Historical Nicknames To those not living there, some of the nicknames might seem odd or mysterious. Or they might not be what you think. The Constitution State isnt where the U.S. Constitution was drafted (that was in Philadelphia), but rather the nickname comes from a document with regulations for running towns that was put together in 1639 by three cities. This document was called theà Fundamental Orders and is considered by some to be the first written constitution. Theres much debate about this first and even debate about whether the document constitutes a constitution. Wars come into play in the nicknames for Alabama, Maryland, and Tennessee. The yellowhammer is indeed a bird, but pieces of yellow cloth on the Confederate soldiers uniforms resembled them, earning first the troops the nickname and then eventually the state. And Marylands nickname Old Line refers to the steadfast Maryland troops from the era of the American Revolution. Tennessee soldiers who volunteered during the Mexican-American War (not the War of 1812) earned them their states nickname, the Volunteer State. Also from the colonial era, the Tar Heel nickname comes from the fact that North Carolina pine trees were harvested to make tar, pitch, and turpentine used in wooden naval shipbuilding. This was messy work, and workers inevitably found the sticky substance on their feetââ¬âhence the name.à In 1889 in Oklahoma, settlers poured in to stake land claims. Those who came in early, before the specified time, were called Sooners. The territory became a state in 1907. State Nicknames Heres a listing of the often colorful nicknames of the 50 states. When a state has multiple nicknames, the official or most common state nickname is listed first. Alabama: Yellowhammer State, Heart of Dixie, Camellia State Alaska: The Last Frontier Arizona: Grand Canyon State, Copper State Arkansas: The Natural State, Land of Opportunity, The Razorback State California: Golden State Colorado: Centennial State, Colorful Colorado Connecticut: Constitution State, Nutmeg State Delaware: First State, Diamond State, Blue Hen State, Small Wonder Florida: Sunshine State Georgia: Peach State, Empire of the South, Goober State Hawaii:à Aloha State, Pineapple State Idaho: Gem State, Spud State Illinois: Prairie State, Land of Lincoln Indiana: Hoosier State Iowa: Hawkeye State Kansas: Sunflower State, Salt of the Earth Kentucky: Bluegrass State Louisiana: Pelican State, Sugar State Maine: Pine Tree State Maryland: Old Line State, Free State Massachusetts: Bay State, Old Colony State Michigan: Great Lakes State, Wolverine State Minnesota: North Star State, Gopher State, Land of 10,000 Lakes, Bread and Butter State Mississippi: Magnolia State Missouri: Show Me State Montana: Treasure State, Big Sky State Nebraska: Cornhusker State Nevada: Silver State, Battle Born State, Sagebrush State New Hampshire: Granite State New Jersey: Garden State New Mexico: Land of Enchantment New York: Empire State North Carolina: Tar Heel State, Old North State North Dakota: Peace Garden State, Flickertail State, Roughrider State Ohio: Buckeye State, Modern Mother of Presidents Oklahoma: Sooner State, Panhandle State Oregon: Beaver State Pennsylvania: Keystone State, Quaker State Rhode Island: Ocean State, Little Rhody South Carolina: Palmetto State South Dakota: Coyote State, Mount Rushmore State Tennessee: Volunteer State, Big Bend State Texas: Lone Star State Utah: Beehive State Vermont: Green Mountain State Virginia: Old Dominion Washington: Evergreen State, Chinook State West Virginia: Mountain State Wisconsin: Badger State Wyoming: Equality State, Cowboy State
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
My First Day Of Internship With The Neurology Department
The 8th floor of the hospital was nothing like any other department I had ever worked on. It was not always busy and loud like the ER, or soothing yet cheerful like pediatric. It always felt gloomy with its dimly lit hallways and beige colored walls. I met Mr. Peter on my first day of internship with the neurology department. As an intern, I was in charge of feeding patients breakfast and lunch among many other responsibilities. Unlike many other patients who were not able to chew or swallow their meal properly, Mr. Peter was different. During breakfast he always requested two orders of pancakes, one to eat during breakfast and other for mid afternoon. He always finished his food with good appetite. Despite being blind Mr. Peter constantly shared colorful stories of his travels from around the world. On the sixth day of my internship, I finished the pat feeding all the other patients, their lunches and was getting ready to check on Mr. Peter. When I entered his room, he was not ther e. Instead, there was a middle aged man sitting on the bed which belonged to Mr. Peter, and kept repeating the words ââ¬Å"He is gone, oh lord he is goneâ⬠with a broken voice. I suddenly felt frozen with grief and anger. How can someone so lively be gone in such a short period of time? Why couldnââ¬â¢t the doctors and nurses help him? This was the harsh side of medicine, which I was not previously exposed to. At that moment I questioned myself, ââ¬Å"Do I really want to go into a field that cannot alwaysShow MoreRelatedWho Is Mrs. T Suffering From Acute Stroke?987 Words à |à 4 Pagesthose CT scan films and identify various regions and lesions of brain. Throughout my medical school, Neurological sciences have intrigued me most. First time I saw a human brain in gross anatomy I felt so thrilled. Being able to look n learn about one of the most complex humans organ was just exhilarating. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
how the poets present attitudes towards death in The Laboratory (LT) and The Man He Killed (TMHK) Essay Example For Students
how the poets present attitudes towards death in The Laboratory (LT) and The Man He Killed (TMHK) Essay Both poems The Laboratory written by Thomas Hardy and The Man He Killed by Ancient Regime, contain death and murder, they both have victims and murderers, they are set in unpleasant places, they are both emotional While they laugh, laugh at me, I fled to the drear the repetition in this quote from TL shows the poet is emotional. I shot him dead because- because he was my foe the stuttering in the quote shows that he is reassuring himself I was the right thing to do. The woman in TL is planning on killing her lovers mistress because she wants revenge and is upset about the affair, she is planning on poising the mistress to get her lover back Sure to taste sweetly,-is that poison too? this quote shows that the woman enjoys the power that the poison gives her. The soldier in TMHK has killed someone on the battlefield for it was his job but he feels guilty about it my foe of course he was;. The poets attitude to death are different because the woman in TL wants revenge and is excited about killing her lovers mistress but the soldier from TMHK feels guilty and upset for what he did. The woman in TL feels isolated, we know this from the quote Where they are, what they do, they believe my tears flow this quote makes us empathise with the poisoner as she is upset about the love affair. The woman feels total antipathy towards her lovers mistress. The man in TMHK is an infantry solider who is very poor had sold his traps this shows he had to sell all his belongings to get money to live, he had no other choice he had to join the army for the money. The woman in TL is wanting to commit murder by poisoning her lovers mistress simply for revenge. The solider in TMHK killed his foe by shooting him in the battlefield. Both are very different murders. The woman in TL wants to kill her husbands mistress for revenge and she wants her husband back And her breast and her arms and her hands should drop dead! the repetition shows how jealous she is and she is emphasising this by using repetition. The solider in TMHK kills his foe because it his duty to as a solider You shoot a fellow down he had no choice but to shoot or be shot himself. The victim in TL knows of her lovers wife but carries on with the affair, however she is not aware that the wife knows about her and her lover. The victim in TMHK feels like the solider who murdered him, it was a war thats what was supposed to happen. The killer in TL feels no sympathy towards her victim Pauline should have just thirty minutes to live!, this shows she doesnt care about the victim and she resents her. However in TMHK the man feels sorry for his victim my foe of course he was; Thats clear enough;. Although by him saying this we know the solider is unsure, and is trying to reassure. In TMHK the contrast between the two worlds are in the Inn By some old ancient inn, We should have sat us down to wet, the other world is on the battlefield ranged as infantry,. The Laboratory is described as a hell thus devils-smithy- this tells the reader that this is an unpleasant place to be in. However it is also described as an attractive place the poet does this by describing the potions colours, soft phial, the exquisite blue, .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c , .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .postImageUrl , .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c , .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:hover , .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:visited , .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:active { border:0!important; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:active , .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0004ccf812486d3153833164ec3a5a4c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Death Of Outrage EssayTL is written in the first person, the poet dose this because he wants you to feel anger towards the mistress Grind away, moisten He wants you to be in the womans shoes and try to see it from her point of view, try to make you feel ther feelings and think her thoughts. The effect by using the first person in TMHK is a sense of feeling sorrow for the man and knowing that he really is guilty about this. In TMHK the poet uses colloquial language He thought hed list,.. Off-hand like he talks like this because he is informal and it may also have something to do with where he comes from. In TL take all my jewels, this shows she is demanding and a use of imperative verbs. Both poets use repetition, in TL the repetition poison to poison, laugh, laugh, and her.. and her.. and her by using repetition the poet is stressing the importance of what needs to be done. In TMHK he uses repetition because he feeling guilty and sorrow towards the victim and he has reassure himself that it was for the greater good because because. The soldier in TMHK tries to come to terms with what he has done, he dose this by the use of enjambment my foe of course he was; Thats clear enough; although. In TMHK the rhythm is broken Thats clear enough; although it deliberate interruption to make us pause and think. In TMHK the soldier uses hyphens to create a pausing effect, this will help the soldier come to terms with what he has done by pausing allowing him to think. In TL the woman describes how she makes the potion Pound at thy powder, this shows that she is eager to make the potion and eager to kill. In TL the woman uses alliteration poison to poison her, prithee? she uses alliteration to stress the same sounding letters. The use of Onomatopoeia Grind Pound makes the word sound like the noise. In TL the woman shows her enjoyment by describing her vials and bottles with lots of rich colours gold oozings.Exquisite blue. In conclusion both Poems are similar in which they include a murder, both talk about the deaths and they are both emotional in TLmy tears flow and in TMHK Thats clear enough all though. However there are many differences, the murders are different the woman in TL planned the murder and enjoyed planning her revenge, she talk about mixing her potions Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, shes having fun thinking off killing her husbands mistress Let death be felt. Where as the solider in TMHK feels guilty about shooting his foe and it was something he had to do, it wasnt his own choice. no other reason why. The woman in TL feels no guilt towards killing and could care less, where as the man in TMHK feels the opposite he is guilty and upset about his mistake.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Definition of TCP/IP TCP/IP is an abbreviation for the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is often regarded as a protocol matching set that was named subsequent to the pairing of dualistically essential protocols namely, IP and TCP. Thus, it can be defined as a primary communication element applicable through the internet.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It represents network protocol sets that offer support to networked computers to easily link up with the others. TCP/IP which is a universally known internet protocol suite is comprised of sets of layers whereby every layer is in charge of a specific network task while at the same time offering specific services to the upper layer. Internet Protocol Suite was first developed by the Defense Ad vanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the fiscal 1970s. Applications and uses of TCP/IP Basically, TCP is commonly applicable during the transfer of data files and emails. The lower layer protocols of the TCP/IP functions at levels which are adjacent to the user and handles abstract data. IP and TCP became the initial protocols to be well-defined under the Internet Protocol Suite standard. It is as a result of these protocols that the name of the protocol suite materialized. Conversely, the Transmission Protocol Control functions on the internet protocol suite known as the transport layer where it offers the networked computers with dependable facilities for communication. As a network protocol, IP is used to communicate data above packaged switch network. IP facilitates the transfer of diagrams founded on the IP network hosts addresses while operating on the protocol suite internet layer. In the TCP/IP protocol pile, the highest level protocols are the application protocols. I n fact, the application protocols are the visible user interface to the protocol suite of the TPC/IP and always communicate with other internet hosts applications. Each application protocol possesses features similar to others (Helmig n.p.). The features which exemplify their uses and applications are as follows: TCP/IP protocols are applications transported and standardized with the products of TCP/IP or user written applications. The protocol suite for TCP/IP incorporates application protocols namely internet mailing system called Simple Mail transfer Protocols, and collaborative terminal telnet which allows admission into the remote internet hosts. These application protocols either use TCP or UDP as transport mechanisms. TCP offers connection oriented, reliable streams, flow control enabled and congestion friendly protocols. As a peer to peer link leaning protocol, TCP has neither subordinate nor master correlations. Nevertheless, for communication purposes, the application norm ally draws on the server/client model. Servers are applications in TCP/IP which provide requisite services to the internet consumers.Advertising Looking for term paper on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Users only need to invoke customer application segment that in turn creates requests for specific services and send them to the application server segment via the transport vehicle, TCP/IP. The program (server) accepts requests, execute the requisite services and propel the outcomes back in form of reply. Any server in the TCP/IP often handles multifaceted requesting customers and requests simultaneously (Panko 267). Therefore, it is apparent that TCP/IP has been widely used in server and clients models and in the provision of access to various other networks via gateway, bridge and router. Standards for TCP and IP TCP/IP has been widely recognized by users and developers alike due to its everlasting regeneration and integr al openness. Similar facts hold true for the open communication network, internet. Nonetheless, such openness can certainly become helpful or harmful if there are no controls. Even though there no general bodies which could govern the issuance of internet regulations and directives, there are mutual cooperation control. Under the organization and management of Internet Architecture Board (IAB), the Internet Society (ISOC) is mandated to standardize the internet community. From these organizations both TCP and IP are regarded as standards (Cisco Networking Academy 91). That is, the TCP as a standard is denoted by RFC 793 while IP is represented by RFC 791. RFCs are numbered serially as they are issued. After a document is consigned an RFC number and issued, that number is certainly not reprocessed, even if the RFC is reviewed. In this respect, there has not been any question of having the most current versions of a specific RFC. Currently, RFCs are numbered up to 1609. The term RFC i s an incongruity. While most RFC biographers certainly will not mind if you give your views about the article, RFCs habitually are not actually demanding for any comments at all. In fact, they are descriptions or statements. There are three types of RFCs: Informational, which offers beneficial information; Experimental, which describes an experimental protocol and Standards Track, which stipulate Internet standards path protocol for the entire Internet community. How TCP/IP protocol works TCP/IP comprises of layers while each and every layer plays a significant role of carrying out some processes on the received data. After the operations have been performed, the data is passed to the advanced layers. Every protocol layer handles specific issues that are linked with data transmissions and at the same time rendering particular services to the developed layers.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) specific ally for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A detailed TCP/IP description is illustrated by the reference model in the appendices (Architecture diagram). The functioning of the protocol can be gauged via looking at the protocol layers of TCP/IP. The protocol layers of TCP/IP TCP/IP is actually sculpted into layers just like any other networking software. The layered sign gives rise to the protocol stack term, denoting the protocol suite layers. The TCP/IP protocol suite can be positioned using the stack protocol against other network systems including Open System Interconnection (OSI) and the System Network Architecture (SNA) model. The protocol stack divides the communiquà © softwareââ¬â¢s into various layers. Thus, allowing for the capacity to generate alternate implementation layers, simple code testing and implementation as well as division of labor. The implemented layers communicate with any other layer that falls either below or above through the abridged interface (ââ¬Å"How TCP/IP Worksâ⬠par.1). Layers in this regard offer services for any layer that falls right above it by utilizing services tendered by any layer that is underneath. The four architectural layers that allow TCP/IP model to properly transmit data include transport, network, application and the internet layers. Transport layer: This layer offers end to end transmission of data. This is possible as it can deliver data from a particular application to a specific distant peer. There is simultaneous support for several applications. TCP is the most applicable transport protocol layer. TCP allows for flow control, duplicate data suppression, link-oriented dependable data transfer and congestion control. User Datagram Protocol is another component of the transport protocol layer. This protocol allows for unreliable, best effort and connectionless services. Any application that uses UDP as its transport protocol must therefore craft its specific control , end to end integrity and flow control. UDP is utilized by applications which can endure some data loss and require a quick transport mechanism.Advertising Looking for term paper on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Application layer: Programs using TCP/IP protocol to communicate offers this type of layer. It is an operator process associating with other processes normally under the unlike hosts. Notable examples of the application layer are the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Telnet. The interfaces amid the transport and application layers are well-defined by the number of sockets and ports. Network interface layer: This layer is similarly referred to as data link layer. It is the interface that leads to the concrete network hardware. In fact, the interface might or might not offer dependable transfer and might consequently be stream or packet oriented. In this regard, TCP/IP protocol seems not to stipulate the protocols. However, it may use nearly several network interfaces that are accessible, particularly those that demonstrate IP layer flexibility. Examples include SNA, FDD, IEEE and ATM. Internetwork layer: This layer is similarly dubbed as the network or internet layer as it offers virt ual internet network images. The layer plays a critical role of shielding upper planes from the underneath physical system architecture. In this layer, the IP is deemed as an imperative protocol. It does not accept any dependability from the subordinate layers given that it is a connectionless protocol. Functions such as error recovery, flow control and reliability are not proffered by the IP and must thus be offered at advanced levels (ââ¬Å"How TCP/IP Worksâ⬠par.4). In summary, every layer is made of protocol sets that are bound to function at that particular layer level. The available network or connection layer protocols play the role of attaching the network nodes. The transport protocol layer manages the data packet transmission amidst the host destination network and the source. Conversely, the internet layer comprises of methods, specifications as well as protocols which are drawn on when transporting packet data through the established networks (Torres 2). The upperm ost TCP/IP layer is the application layer which unswervingly interacts and also connects with service applications. It is hence true that TCP/IP operates in each and every communication level situated within the network components. Sincerely, it emerges as the core and hub of the communication network. Components: The required Hardware and software devices The traceable components of the TCP/IP include: SYSTCPIP applicable in TCP/IP internal incident tracing; SYSTCPIS used to detect and trace the TCP/IP intrusion services; SYSTCPRT used in the protocol for OMPROUTE tracing; SYSTCPRE used in the TCP/IP to resolve tracings and SYSTCPDA applied in an IP package tracing. The Serial Device Server is equally a TCP/IP protocol component. Other trace selections seem to be solely and habitually applied because of the advanced or IBM support personnel instructions (IBM par.1). However, SYSTCPDA packet trace is the most essentially applied component trace. TCP/IP Architecture The name TCP/IP p rotocol suite comes from the notable two essential protocols namely the Internet Protocol (IP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Internet Protocol Suite is the name that is often used. The architectural model for TCP/IP is comprised of internetworking, and the already discussed TCP/IP protocol layers and the applications. Internetworking TCP/IP was mainly designed to build networked interconnections dubbed as the internet or internetwork which offers global communication amenities over a diverse physical network. Such internetworks are beneficial in that they enable communication amid hosts located in diverse networks that are probably disjointed by large geographic areas. The phrases internet and internetwork emerged from the interconnected network phrase. Internet as used in TCP/IP has numerous network groups including local networks, commercial networks, backbones and regional networks. These networks are usually limited in size based on the maximum geographic area tha t can be spanned by a given network, the total number of users belonging to the networks, and network applicability in some settings. Ethernet for instance, is integrally partial with respect to geographical scope. As a result, the capacity to hierarchically interconnect volumes of networks in organized fashions facilitates the communication between two hosts that belong to such internetwork (ââ¬Å"How TCP/IP Works par.2). TCP/IP internetworking also creates standardized communication mechanisms abstractions which are offered by each kind of network. All physical networks have their own dependent technological communication interfaces known as programming interfaces which offer primitive or primary communication functions. From its structural composition, it appears that TCP/IP proffers communication services running amid user applications and the programming physical network interface. This independently supports joint interface applications devoid of the basic physical network. T herefore, it is apparent that the physical network architecture is concealed from both the application developer and the user. The application just requires the standardized communication abstraction code so as to purpose under any kind of operating platform and the physical network. From the diagrams in the appendices, it is clear that any interconnection between two networks is only possible if the computers are attached to each of the available networks. This will ensure that packet data will be easily forwarded from a given network to another via a router. In most cases, the IP router term is applicable given that the routing purpose is a component of IP segment of the Transmission Protocol Control/ Internet Protocol suite. This is well-illustrated by the protocol layers of the TCP/IP diagram, found in the appendix. However, to easily recognize the internetwork hosts, every host must be consigned an IP address (Helmig n.p.). If a host possess numerous networked interfaces or con nectors such as routers, all interfaces ought to have inimitable IP addresses. Thus, the IP address is usually made of two components: IP address = host number network number Within the IP address, the network number segment distinguishes the network system inside the internet. The central authority plays the significant role of assigning the network number while ensuring that it is distinctive all through the internet. A segment of the IP address host number is assigned by an authority residing with the controlling organization which identifies the network number. Strengths and weaknesses of the TCP/IP protocol TCP/IP has numerous strengths and weaknesses. These are as explained below: TCP/IP Strengths: TCP/IP has the capacity to check errors, it can simultaneously transfer data and is considered very reliable, higher volumes of data can be held by the TCP/IP at once, it allows internetworking and has the capacity to establish connections amid various servers or computers. TCP/IP Weaknesses: The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite can occasionally be slow while the protocol has a very multifaceted structure or setup. Conclusion Generally, the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite has developed into a standard de-facto for computer communications in the current interacted universe. The permeating application of a particular network standard seems to have actually given rise to a far-fetched reliance on any application that is supported by the protocol. In the contemporary society, people utilize the Internet and the TCP/IP protocols not merely for information and entertainment, but equally in conducting everyday businesses. Even though the protocol has manifold strengths and weaknesses, it plays the critical roles relating to gateway, routing, internetworking, bridging besides acting as a server and clients model. Hence, it is true that TCP/IP operates in each and every communication level situated within t he network components. It emerges as the core and hub of the communication network. Appendices Architecture Diagram (how it is put together physically or logically) Architecture diagram Packer header decode Snapshot of the real thing in operation Works Cited Cisco Networking Academy. IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Lab Manual. McKinney, TX: Cisco Press, 2010. Print. Helmig, Johannes. ââ¬Å"TCP/IP Basicsâ⬠. 2002. Web. How TCP/IP Works. 2003. Web. IBM. ââ¬Å"Tracing TCP/IP componentsâ⬠. IBM Corporation 1990, 2010. Web. Panko, Raymond and Panko, Julia. Business Data Networks and Telecommunications. New Delhi, India: Pearson Education, Limited, 2010. Print. Torres, Gabriel. ââ¬Å"How TCP/IP Protocol Worksâ⬠. 2007. Web. This term paper on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) was written and submitted by user Cyrus Sharp to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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